If You Are:
A Singer...
Struggling with creative blocks and a lack of direction,
Looking For...
Creative clarity, structure, and an empowering community,
Ready To Transform...
Your life and feel confident and liberated as a professional singer,
...Then this program is for YOU!
Weekly Objectives
Pathways To Progress:
The Root of it All (Pt 1.) & The Business-Minded Singer
This session empowers singers to navigate the intersection of artistry and entrepreneurship while addressing the fears that often accompany creative pursuits. Through engaging discussions and introspective exercises, you will dive into the root causes of self-doubt and fear that may hinder your artistic journey.
The Passionate Creative
& The Power of Your
Personal Brand
This session dives into the profound connection between self-acceptance and creativity, highlighting how embracing your authentic self serves as a powerful foundation for building a compelling and genuine artistic identity. By understanding and celebrating who you truly are, you’ll cultivate the confidence and freedom to express your artistry in meaningful ways.
Embracing Your Talent & The Foundation of Internal Marketing
This session focuses on internal marketing as the foundational step for singers to build a meaningful and impactful career. Internal marketing begins with nurturing a positive relationship with your talent and aligning your creative identity with your professional aspirations.
Sense of Wholeness & Collaborative Brainstorming for Final Presentations
This session provides a collaborative space for you to brainstorm and refine your final presentation ideas. Through mentor-guided reflections and peer feedback, you will synthesize insights from the past six sessions, deepen your understanding of your motivations and aspirations, and explore the impact your art has on others.
The Root of it All (Pt 2.) & The Business of YOU
This session focuses on discovering and solidifying your vision, mission, and why—the foundational elements that shape your artistic and entrepreneurial identity. By embracing your passion for the arts and cultivating a sense of creative purpose, you’ll connect with the deeply rooted reasons that drive your desire to pursue a life in the arts.
An Empowered Singer & Understanding the Path
from Song to Revenue
This session is designed to nurture a personal, positive, and peaceful relationship with your talent while empowering you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the layers of income generation in the music industry. By fostering a mindset that embraces both artistry and informed business practices, you will explore strategies to enhance your creativity and harness your artistic abilities.
Inspired Vision in Character Strengths & Positive Psychology for Music Professionals
This session dives into the transformative role of character strengths in inspiring creativity and excellence in music professionals. Grounded in the science and research of character strengths, you will explore why these strengths matter and how understanding your own signature strengths can unlock your creative potential.
This session gives you the opportunity to showcase your individuality, growth, and artistry, transforming the insights and skills you’ve gained throughout the program into an impactful performance.